How to Keep Using D1 Operator Overloads

D1 style operator overloads have been deprecated in D2 since version 2.088, released in 2019. Version 2.100, released last month, saw those operator overloads removed completely from the language. However, using D’s fabulous metaprogramming capability, it is possible to write a mixin template shim that will allow your D1 style operator overloads to keep working.

For sure, the best path forward is to switch to the new style of operator overloads. But there can be good reasons to keep using the old ones. Maybe you really love the simplicity of them. Maybe you use them already for virtual functions in classes, and don’t want to change. Maybe you just don’t want to do much code editing to an old project.

Whatever the reason, this post will show you how to do it easily and succinctly!

D1 Operator Overloads vs. D2 Operator Overloads

An operator overload is a way for a custom type to handle operators (e.g. + and -). In D1 these were handled using plain named functions, such as opAdd for addition or opMul for multiplication. For an example to work with, here is a struct type that uses an integer to represent its internal state:

struct S {
   int x;
   S opAdd(S other) {
      return S(x + other.x);
   S opSub(S other) {
      return S(x - other.x);
   S opMul(S other) {
      return S(x * other.x);
   S opDiv(S other) {
      assert(other.x != 0, "divide by zero!");
      return S(x / other.x);

void main() {
   S s1 = S(6);
   S s2 = S(3);
   assert(s1 + s2 == S( 9));
   assert(s1 - s2 == S( 3));
   assert(s1 * s2 == S(18));
   assert(s1 / s2 == S( 2));

Note how repetitive the operator code is! Plus, we only handled 4 operations. There are actually 11 math and bitwise binary (2-arg) operations that could be potentially overloaded for an integer. This doesn’t count unary operations (e.g. S s3 = -s1) or operations where S is on the right side of the op, with maybe an int on the left side (e.g. opAdd_r, opMul_r). If we needed to overload based on operand type, we could branch out into template functions, but that might not be that much less code.

D2 decided that a better way to handle bulk operations would be to use templates in order to handle operators. Instead of calling opAdd for + and opMul for *, it will call opBinary!"+" and opBinary!"*" respectively. This means we can handle all the operations in one function. To process them all, we can rewrite S like this:

struct S {
   int x;
   S opBinary(string op)(S other) {
      static if(op == "/" || op == "%")
         assert(other.x != 0, "divide by zero!");
      return mixin("S(x ", op, " other.x)");

void main() {
   S s1 = S(6);
   S s2 = S(3);
   assert( s1 + s2  == S( 9));
   assert( s1 - s2  == S( 3));
   assert( s1 * s2  == S(18));
   assert( s1 / s2  == S( 2));
   assert( s1 % s2  == S( 0));
   assert((s1 | s2) == S( 7));
   // and so on

Note how we not only have only one function (with a slight difference for the division operators), but we handle all math operations! The code is easier to write, less error prone, and less verbose.

Aliasing Operators

But what if you already have operators in D1 style, and you don’t want to change them, or merge them into one super-function?

D allows you to alias member functions to another symbol, and opBinary is no exception. Here is the original type, but with aliases for each of the operators:

struct S {
   int x;
   S opAdd(S other) {
      return S(x + other.x);
   S opSub(S other) {
      return S(x - other.x);
   S opMul(S other) {
      return S(x * other.x);
   S opDiv(S other) {
      assert(other.x != 0, "divide by zero!");
      return S(x / other.x);

   alias opBinary(op : "+") = opAdd;
   alias opBinary(op : "-") = opSub;
   alias opBinary(op : "*") = opMul;
   alias opBinary(op : "/") = opDiv;

Note that we are using a few cool features of D metaprogramming here. The aliases are eponymous templates which means I don’t have to write out the template long form, and we are using template parameter specialization to avoid having to use a single template and look for the covered operations inside the template, or having to use template constraints to filter out the operations we cover.

But we can do even better than this! Nobody wants to write this boilerplate code tailored to each type which may not all cover the same exact operators.

Mixin Templates

A mixin template is a template with a set of declarations in it. Wherever you mixin that template, it’s (almost) as if you typed all those declarations directly. Using the power of D’s compile-time introspection, it’s possible to handle every single possible operator overload that D1 could offer, by writing aliases to the D1 style operator overload, automatically.

In order to do this, we are going to have three rules. First is that we don’t care if the operators are properly written in D1 style. As long as the names match, we will forward to them. We also don’t need to worry about overloads based on the types or parameters accepted, as aliases are just name rewrites. Second, this mixin MUST be added at the end of the type, because otherwise, the entire type’s members may not have been analyzed by the compiler (this may change in a future version of D). Third, D does not allow overloads between the mixed-in functions and regular functions — the regular functions will take precedence. So you cannot define any D2 style operators of a specific name (e.g. opBinary). If you want D2 operators, convert the whole thing, don’t use some D1 and some D2.

Let’s write just the opAdd declaration in a mixin template, and see how it works.

mixin template D1Ops() {
   static if(__traits(hasMember, typeof(this), "opAdd"))
      alias opBinary(op : "+") = opAdd;

There’s a lot of meta code in here, I’ll explain it all.

The mixin template declaration is telling the compiler that this is a template specifically for mixins. Technically, you can use any template for mixins, but declaring it a mixin template requires that it’s only used in that way.

If you don’t know what static if is, I highly recommend reading a tutorial on D metaprogramming, as it’s essential for almost every metaprogramming task. Needless to say, the contained code is only included if the condition is true.

__traits(hasMember, T, "opAdd") is a specialized condition that is true only if the specified type T (in this case, the type of the struct the mixin is being added to) contains a member having the name opAdd.

And finally, the alias is as we wrote before.

Now, how would we use this inside our type?

struct S {
   int x;
   S opAdd(S other) {
      return S(x + other.x);
   S opSub(S other) {
      return S(x - other.x);
   S opMul(S other) {
      return S(x * other.x);
   S opDiv(S other) {
      assert(other.x != 0, "divide by zero!");
      return S(x / other.x);

   mixin D1Ops;

That’s it! Now opAdd is hooked via the aliased opBinary instead of via the D1 operator overload. Therefore, S + S will compile on 2.100 and later. However, the other operator overloads will not.

Why do it this way? As we will see, using the static if allows us to mixin the template regardless of whether opAdd is present or not. Using this feature, we can handle every possible situation with regards to existing operator overloads.

Using the Full Power of D

Adding each and every operator overload to the mixin is going to be very repetitive. But there is no need to do this, D is a superpower in metaprogramming! All we need to do is lay out the operation mappings, and we can use another specialized metaprogramming feature, static foreach, to avoid having to repeat the same boilerplate over and over.

With this, we can handle every binary operation that the struct might have written D1 style:

mixin template D1Ops() {
   static foreach(op, d1;
     ["+" : "opAdd", "-" : "opSub", "*" : "opMul", "/" : "opDiv",
      "%" : "opMod"]) {
      static if(__traits(hasMember, typeof(this), d1))
         alias opBinary(string s : op) = mixin(d1);

Let’s look at the new things we have added to the mixin template. The first thing is an associative array of string to string, indicating which ops should map to which D1 function names. static foreach is a feature which will, at compile time, loop over all the elements in a thing that normally you would iterate at runtime (in this case, the associative array). It’s as if you wrote all those things out directly one at a time, with the symbols op and d1 mapped to the keys and values of the associative array containing the operation mappings.

See how our static if has changed a bit, instead of using a string literal, we use the d1 symbol, which in the first loop is "opAdd", in the second loop is "opSub" and so on.

In addition, there is one minor change in the alias. Because we must alias the opBinary call to a symbol, and not a string, we must fetch the symbol based on its string name. mixin(d1) does this. This is a relatively new feature, in older compilers we could still achieve this with a single mixin statement for the whole alias statement, but just calling mixin on d1 is a lot cleaner looking.

With that, our final code looks like this:

mixin template D1Ops() {
   static foreach(op, d1;
     ["+" : "opAdd", "-" : "opSub", "*" : "opMul", "/" : "opDiv",
      "%" : "opMod"]) {
      static if(__traits(hasMember, typeof(this), d1))
         alias opBinary(string s : op) = mixin(d1);

struct S {
   int x;
   S opAdd(S other) {
      return S(x + other.x);
   S opSub(S other) {
      return S(x - other.x);
   S opMul(S other) {
      return S(x * other.x);
   S opDiv(S other) {
      assert(other.x != 0, "divide by zero!");
      return S(x / other.x);

   mixin D1Ops;

void main() {
   S s1 = S(6);
   S s2 = S(3);
   assert( s1 + s2  == S( 9));
   assert( s1 - s2  == S( 3));
   assert( s1 * s2  == S(18));
   assert( s1 / s2  == S( 2));

You’ll notice that I intentionally included opMod in the mixin, even though our type does not have it. This demonstrates the power of the static if to only provide aliases if the appropriate D1 operator overload exists.

Filling it out

All that is left for opBinary is to fill out the mappings to handle any possible existing D1 binary operations. As long as you have a D1-style operator, the mixin will generate an alias to cover it.

And finally, any other D1 style operations as listed in the changelog, such as opUnary or opBinaryRight can also be covered by adding another loop. You could even nest the mappings if you wanted to, or include the name of the template to alias as part of the mapping. Or you might notice that all the opBinaryRight operators are the same as the opBinary operators (except in), and just do both at the same time.

You also might not using static foreach for this, and actually write them all out by hand, simply because static foreach is slightly expensive, and so is constructing an associative array at compile-time. Remember, once this template is done, there will never need to be any updates to it. The advantage of using a loop is you have to write a lot less code, which makes it a lot less error prone.

And if you aren’t in the mood to do it yourself, here is a gist mapping the entire suite of D1 operator overloads.

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